Two weeks ago I received a Nymphaea Rubra Bulb (Dwarf Water Lily) I ordered on Ebay. I was expecting something sprouting with a few roots on one side and maybe a couple of little leaves on the other. What I got looked like a black stone with nothing on it except a tiny stem (less than1/8" inch and with even tinier parts sticking out from that. Not able to tell the root end from the stem end, I did not plant it. Instead, I put it in a small cup of water on top of an LED light over an aquarium, hoping the heat would make something happen.
The result I got was little growth on one side, some of which looks like some tiny leaves. Attached is a photo of the growth on the bulb. Is this the top? There are no roots in the other side. Will I get roots on that side?
I was planning on putting the bulb in a 29G planted aquarium. The tank, which has lots of algae, houses 3 adult Botia Kubotai, numerous Amano shrimp, some very large neocardinia culls, a few Common Otocinclus, 2 small Farlowella, 2 adult SAE and a few Parotocinclus sp. Peru (Bumblebee Otocinclus). Can I plant it now or should I let the leaves get larger? Will it get eaten or should I let the leaves grow some more in the warm water?
the lower left does look like a baby lily pad. I think some nymphaea have the roots and growing tip in the same side.
for example see: