Please let me know if you are interested in any of following items for April tailgate:
1. Pink(ish) Bristlenose Ancistrus fry (L-144). This is the latest generation from my colony. They don't have the red albino eyes. Size is 1” – 2.” Maybe some larger. Also, a couple may have a dark spot or splotch. $4 each, 3/$10. There are also multiple breeding pairs. I can try to catch at least 1pair if there is interest for $20.
2. Subwassertang (full snack bag). $4
3. Java fern, regular and narrow leaf. $10 bag of 3 small/medium. Can mix and match
4. Rotalla cuttings. Most with some roots. Small tall fishbag for $4.
5. Hornwort Cuttings. Most with some roots. $4 per bag.
6. Assassin snails (various sizes). Not sure of number or size because they are in substrate. $3 each.
7. Large Amazon Sword Plant, approximately 12” and 25 leaves. Some leaves have Gammarus bites. $20.
8. Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Food for Assassin snails, puffer, loaches, etc. (20 for $2).
9. [probably] Giant Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) {green on top and red on bottom]. Handpicked to be over 98% duckweed free). Snack bag portion $3.
Bruce / novafish
Great Bruce I will like 6 please
thank you
Cooper, Yes, I have L-144s available. How many do you want? I will also bag the Giant Duckweed (or what ever it is) for you. It is a really nice shaped small floating plant. Bruce
Are there still some Bristlenose Ancistrus available? Also I would like a bag of Giant Duckweed.
Thank you,
could I also get a bag of giant duckweed.
Hi Bruce, I'd like 6 Bristlenose Ancistrus fry (L-144), plus a breeding pair.
If any available Subwassertang (1-3 snack bags)
Java fern, narrow leaf. 1 bag of 3 small/med.
and one bag of Rotala. thx, Tim
Hi I’d like to get $20 worth of subwassterang.
I'll get a bag hornwort
I would like some of the Subwassertang, thanks,