I know some of you collectors out there probably have a few lying around.Recently Ive found I enjoy fixing them up and not spending tons of money Ill pick them up, and depending on the number and level of destruction would be willing to pay.
davidsombachphoto1dJAMES RIVER AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2024 FALL ALL-DAY AUCTIONLikeReactions00 comments0Views
cowherdfg7dDAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to the PVAS mtg on Sept 7, 2024 LikeReactions05 comments5Views
david5dPoret Foam/Mattenfilters, Jetlifters, and Cubelifters (Sept 7th)LikeReactions02 comments2Views
I've got a 6' long Beamswork fixture that is faulty, a bunch of the LED's flicker, not sure if you feel like driving this far for it (Front Royal area) but I would hate to throw it out.
Where in NoVA? I may have 1-2 lights to donate.
Intriguing. What are you doing with them? Inquiring minds want to know. Sounds like a lightning talk in the making. 🙂
Where are you? Maybe easier to bring to the next meeting?