Bringing 35 plus fish books tomorrow. They keep spawning and I need more shelf space in the fish room library. $1, $3, and $5 books. 50% discount for all customers under 18. Several old, collectables.-Shane
davidsombachphotoSep 08JAMES RIVER AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2024 FALL ALL-DAY AUCTIONLikeReactions00 comments0Views
cowherdfgSep 03DAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to the PVAS mtg on Sept 7, 2024 LikeReactions05 comments5Views
So happy to see people getting joy from the books!
Shane my daughter loved the amphibian book. She has already determined its the bedtime read this
Thank you so much for the book, Shane!! 😊
Thanks for the great books!
Great to see everyone today and fantastic event PVAS! Big thanks to Patchin, Frank, and Andrew for wonderful fish and plants.
I am sure there is something in the pile. There are also some old copies of Buntbarsche Bulletin.
Do you have any Apistogramma or other small cichlid books? If so, definitely interested.
Sorry Terri. No extra Baensch Atlases.
Any Baensch Atlases, by chance (probably not, I imagine)? If so, I'd be very interested. 😁