I thought I'd share with everyone some fish I hope to bring to PVAS mini auction in March 5, 2022. Because I know how important it can be to prepare well, I thought I'd share some photos and a few tips that I find helpful with these fish in case anyone is interested in bidding on them at auction.
These are in my Discus tank, currently. They can do well at many temperatures, but are currently at around 83-F. They are heterozygous - their father was Golden / Albino, and the mother as Brown. Their offspring will probably yield some golden and some brown.
Non-annual, Africans, these are in a large colony tank full of other Killis. I may have several extra single males to auction off as well. They are a unique splash of color, and can live in a relatively small tank. They are notorious jumpers, and require a tightly fitting lid. Though sometimes Ok in a community tank, the males tend to be fin-nippers if not distracted by a female.
These were bred and raised in my water. If I can secure some breeding pairs, I'll sell them that way. Otherwise, I may have groups of 5 or 7 juveniles, ca. 2-3 inches long. They can grow up to 5 inches in a large tank. A relatively peaceful mid-sized Central / South American cichlid. They do fine with Discus, Rams, larger Tetras. Somewhat flexible on temperature, I find that warm water, 80-F or higher, along with light tannins tends to help bring out the best in them.
I was successful this summer breeding a handful of German Blue Rams. I hope to have a few pairs for sale. I may also have some extra males to add a splash of color to community tanks. They do best for me if kept above 80-F.
Although the name sound unimpressive I'm pretty happy with several color-strains that are turning out of my Guppy Breeding project this year. These males represent two color forms that I've been able to group out. I hope to have a few pairs ready to sell. Because they are bred in a colony with mixed source adults, the Guppies are not heavily inbred.
The top photo here are the adult parents in spawning colors. I think they are the most beautiful fish I've ever kept. They are cold-water / temperate fish that live at room temperature. They are not picky eaters. These fry were born this year. They have not shown color yet, but will do well if someone is patient. They can do well in a 20-gal aquarium or larger.
I am planning to trim back / thin out my Discus tank to begin to allow some pairs to form for breeding. I plan to sell at Pigeon Blood from the photo above, as well as at least one of the dark blue striped varieties. These are nearing full maturity, 4-5 inches in diameter. I keep them at 83-F. All I use for filtration is sponge filters. I only water change 1x per week. These guys are not hard to keep, despite the reputation. My water is soft, however, so this may pose a challenge if you have very hard water.