I've just received a new fish shipment at Chico's Natural Pet Market. Lots of good stuff. Below is a list of most:
Tetras: Weitzmani, Splash (Copeina), Darter (Characidium), Pygmy Hatchet, Glolite, Serpae, neon, lemon
Snails: Pagoda, Gold Rabbit, Assassin, asst Nerites, asst Mystery
Shrimp: Amano, Flower
Cory: pygmaeus, habrosus, paleatus, cw-097
Cichlids: Rainbow, Firemouth
Rainbows: Threadfin, Millenium, Turquoise
Loach/Botia: Yo-Yo, Skunk, Clown
Danio: Glolite, asst Longfin
Orange Sparkle Ricefish
Clown Killie (aka rocket killie
Indian Pea Puffer
Peacock Gudgeon
Painted Tangerine Molly
Banjo Cats
Bumble Bee Goby
African Butterfly
Spadetail Betta pair
Lg Upside down cat
Chico's Natural Pet Market, 6349A Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA
Amano 7.99
Flower 16.99
Have about 6 of each left
Good Evening,
What are the prices on the Amano and Flower shrimp?