We had a nice crowd. There were about 60 bowls in the BOWL SHOW. Lots of fish in their prime to view and evaluate while choosing which one you would vote for for People’s Choice award. And probably some you have never seen before and now want some for you home aquarium.
The food was great too. BBQ, Chili, hot wings legs, pita bread with hummus, slaws, potato salads, fudge, cake, brownies, and more.
And the BOWL SHOW winners were:
first: a smoky Paraiba blue angelfish entered by Alex Aydogan
second: a black angelfish entered by Jeff McGary
third: a blue smoky pearl angelfish entered by Andy no-last-name
2. DWARF CICHLIDS (rams, apistos, small Aanfricans, [4 inches or under]
first: a pseudotropheus saulosi entered by Manuel Moro
second: an anomalochromis thomasi, African butterfly, entered by Matt Chambers
3. ALL OTHER CICHLIDS (over 4 inches when adult.)
first: a geophagus brasiliensis entered by Manuel Moro
second: a ruby red peacock entered by Reed Gilbert
third: an pseudotropheus elongates Chewere entered by Reed Gilbert
4. CORY CATFISH (and cory-like catfish, for example Brochis and apistodoras)
first: a corydoras loxozonus entered by Gary Hostetler
second: a corydoras CW097 entered by David Snell
third: a corydoras pantanalensis entered by David Snell
5. SUCKERMOUTH FISH (ancistrus, plecos, etc.)
sponsored by Susan Peterson
first: an albino longfin ancistrus entered by Andrew Blumhagen
second: a hypsncistrus sp. L333 entered by David Snell
third: a L204 or flash pleco entered by Terri Vance
6. GUPPIES (When PVAS was a guppy club there would be 40 to 70 entries of just guppies.) sponsored by Aquatic Life Farm
first: a male cobra guppy entered by April Farmer
7. LIVEBEARERS (swords, platys … [guppies have their own class] )
sponsored by Aquatic Life Farm
first: a female lyretail marigold sword entered by Jeff McGary
second: a male black velvet sword entered by Frank Cowherd
third: a male marigold sword entered by Jeff McGary
first: a pair of goodae sp matalins entered by David Snell
second: a pair of dumbo eared firecracker guppies entered by Frank Cowherd
9. SCHOOLING FISH (tetras, rasboras, danios, white clouds, rainbows …) You can show up to six (6) fish as a school.
first: a school of coral red pencilfish entered by Don Kinyon
second: a school of neon rosy barbs entered by Skanda Abeyesekeve
third: a scholl of Odessa barbs entered by Skanda Abeyesekeve
10. ANABANTOIDS (bettas, gouramis, etc.)
first: a pearl gourami entered by Frank Cowherd
second: a betta entered by Elliott Yeager
first: a sarasa comet goldfish entered by Frank Cowherd
second: a metallic kohaku koi entered by Frank Cowherd
12. KILLIFISH (killies must be shown in pairs, males and females are usually quite different)
first: an orange austral killifish entered by Frank Cowherd
second: an orange austral killifish entered by Frank Cowherd
third: a rocket killie entered by Frank Cowherd
13. ALL OTHER FISH (natives and oddball fish, all other catfish …)
sponsored by Charlie and Marty Verdery
first: a dwarf chain loach entered by Gary Hostetler
second: a forktail blue-eyed rainbowfish entered by Elliott Yeager
third: a clouded archerfish entered by Terri Vance
14. ODDBALL INVERTEBRATES (shrimp, snails, leaches, worms, etc.)
first: a neocaridina davidi var.’Rili” shrimp entered by Elliott Yeager
second: a blue pearl shrimp entered by Elliott Yeager
third: a cherry shrimp entered by Elliott Yeager
the BEST IN SHOW award went to an angelfish entered by Alex Aydogan. It is a smoky Paraiba blue angelfish
the PEOPLE’S CHOICE award went to an archerfish entered by Terri Vance. It is a clouded archerfish.
I believe all those who are showing fish are now better fish keepers for their ability to grow great fish and then catch and transport them to and from the show. And those who are observing the show are learning how to maintain healthy fish in small bowls and tanks.
Awesome job everyone, fish were so beautiful and the food was yummy
Well, prior to our first July BIG BOWL SHOW in 2010 (I think), we use to have a bowl show at every meeting. We would choose two types of fish for every month, like guppies and corys. We would always have the speaker judge the contest, if he was willing and she always was. It was fun to see what people brought each month. We usually got 4 to 15 entries. ANd we did it in cold and hot and just right months.
Thanks for another great bowl show Frank! Elliott had a blast and thinks we should have one every month- LOL!
Congratulations to all of our winners. Wish I could have been there to see all the great fish. It looks like we had some new species represented.