Black Tiger Badis, Pajama Dario
Dario sp. "Myanmar"
Method of Reproduction: Egg/Mop Spawner
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: suspected Trio
Origin of Parents: Wild Caught
Approximate number of eggs or fry 12+
Date of Hatch or Birth: Likely June/July
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: Likely July
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: 12+
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: TBD
Aquarium Conditions:
Outdoor tub - 30 gallons
Temps ranged from low 40's to high 80's
Water Changes (how much and how often): top offs only
Filtration System(s): fountain pump in filter box
Décor (Please include all that apply):
Live Plants
Substrate: None/decaying leaves
Lighting Type and Timing - sunlight
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: tub seeded with scuds & blackworms. Mosquito larvae, other stuff. Fed rarely.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: nothing while outdoors. Microworms, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, fry foods upon bringing indoors

Hello Becca,
This is to confirm you have been awarded 15 points for your Black Tiger Badis fry.