The female(s) dropped at least 14 fry sometime during the past week or so. Will put in a detailed spawning report when I get a chance.
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Spawning Report: Limia melanogaster
Name: John Satterlee
Scientific Name of Fish: Limia melanogaster
Hobby Name of Fish: Black bellied Limia
Method of Reproduction: Livebearer
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: trio
Origin of Parents: Tank raised
Approximate number of fry: At least 16
Date of First Hatch or Birth: Sept 28, 2023
Approx number of fry at 30 days: 16
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: ______
Aquarium Conditions:
pH: 7.2
General Hardness: 150 ppm
Average Temperature (72-76 F)
Salinity: none
Average Nitrate: < 40 ppm
Aquarium Size: 20 gallon
Water Source: Rockville MD tap water with Seachem Prime
Water Changes: 80% once a month
Filtration System: sponge filter
Additives: Crushed coral
Live Plants: Lots of valisneria
Substrate: Home depot pebbles
Lighting Type and Timing: Home Depot light, 12 hrs on/12 hrs off
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Tetra Color Tropical Flakes morning and evening. Freshly hatched baby brine shrimp every 1-2 days.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: Finely ground dry fry food (Aquarium Coop) morning and evening, freshly hatched baby brine shrimp every 1-2 days.
Additional comments: They are colony breeding, and the adults for the most part do not appear to eat the fry. These fish are not shy at all.
Here are the parents
Here is spawning attempt number 2, I have around 16 fry---a lot more than I expected Some were born Sept 28 2023, and some probably a little later than then based on their size.