Looking for suggestions for easy to breed tetras to breed in a natural setup..
I was thinking of Blue Kerri Emperor. Brought 4 but 2 females have bent spines. Are these easy to breed in a natural setup? Do fry appear in a planted mature tank with leaf litter? Any suggestions for species? A planted tanks with heater, sponge filter with leaf litter is my what envision. See link below.
I've bred Columbians lots of times. Black widows are another easy one. Emperors, too. Though they take a bit more time, Congo tetras are super easy when mature. :)
I had a self-sustaining colony of diamond tetras going for many years with no effort.
I had diamond tetras breed on their own in my community tank and some fry survived and grew up.
I had those breed in my old planted community tank with a sand substrate and dragon stone rock work without even trying. I had lots of frogbit with long roots and that is were they ended up spawning in the roots.