Hello! I have at least 43 fry that need new homes.They're really cute and healthy (haven't seen any weird defects) - I have a few left that are almost 2.5 months old and the rest are about 1-1.5 months old. I really need to find them homes before they get close to full size because I'm only working with a 10 gallon and a 5.5 gallon (luckily they're small enough that the water parameters haven't been bonkers and I do weekly partial water changes anyway).
I am in Arlington, Virginia and would prefer local pickup, but could meet part way in the area if anyone is definitely interested. The LFS that I got the mom's from in Falls Church said they don't have space to take in any fry at this time. I've been told two different shops in Centreville and Dale City will take fry if they have space, but I'd prefer to avoid making that trek, if possible. I'd also hope that they won't be used as feeder fish, but if that's what you need them for, please don't let me know :( Thanks!

The platy moms both gave birth again last week a few days apart, one had 35 or so while the other had 52. I euthanized all the newborn fry with clove oil :( If the moms start getting huge (preggo) again next month, I think I'm just going to rehome them because this has not been enjoyable at all. This whole storing sperm for 6 months thing is a nightmare and I wish I would have known this before I got the fish.