Located in Centreville - can deliver to meetings and also bring a small selection for folks to choose at meetings as well
Angelfish (various colors and sizes)
Male and female bettas
Blue and gold gouramis
whiptail catfish
guppies and endlers (multiple varieties)
longfin bristlenose plecos (multiple colors)
African cichlids
harlequin rasboras
gold barbs
bosemani rainbowfish
red swordtails
altolamprologus compressiceps
congo tetras
humpack limias
madgascar rainbows
polar parrots
baby ranchu goldfish
wild betta albamarginata
wild betta api api
wild betta channoides
wild betta macrostoma
gold and black rams
pea puffers
red gularis killifish
longfin serpae tetras
black phantom tetras
blue phantom pleco
multiple tanks (5.5 gallons to 90 gallons)
Add quantity on hand, price for 1, price for group of 999
Hello, I'm interested in the guppies if they are available. Feel free to text me at 202-906-0286. Thanks!
EDIT: The black rams, the phantom pleco, the black phantom tetras, the Madagascar rainbows, and the ranchus are gone
Im very interested in the Humpback Limia and Madagascar Rainbows will text you
I'm interested in the congos, pleco and bettas. DM me your address
Send me a message for pictures and prices 703-424-4591