Everything can be delivered to Saturday's meeting.
For Free:
Salvinia minima
Salvinia cucullata
Pistia stratiotes 'dwarf'
Clinopodium brownei (emersed)
regular Vallisneria
lidless Topfin 10g HOB, like new condition
For mula:
7.5" tall bowl - $5. I can remove the soil if needed.
1 batch of 10 red crystal shrimp $25
about 15 carbon rilis (some are more solid blues - see pic, raised in tap water) $20
Tetra Whisper IQ 20-new in the box, used once just to make sure it works. $8
All plants have been claimed.
Messaged u
I would love some Salvinia cucullata please
i will get the crystal reds
ps.... do they come with their own helmets??
I'll take the Vallisneria.
I'll take the bowl :)