I will be having Leopard Snakeskin and Leopard Discus Fry available for sale in the upcoming weeks. I will sell them once they are 2" in length (tip of nose to end of tail). I have (2) batches of fry that are shown in the pictures attached. I have a total of about 100 to 120 fry available. The fry will be only offered in groups of 5 or more......they will be $15 each. Sorry no shipping available!!
I have also attached pics of the parents also.

I have sold all of the first batch of LSS and Leopard Fry. I have another batch that are about nickel to quarter size that will be ready in about 2 to 3 weeks. They are from the pair pictured below. I also have another LSS pair that had more fry about two weeks ago and those fry will be ready in about 6 to 8 weeks. Let me know if your looking to get some LSS or Leopard fry. Thanks.
You might want to check with Dave at Nova Tropicals in Dale City and see if they might want to purchase any for their store.
would you sell a group of smaller ones in bulk? always wanted to grow out discus.
Thanks! They are so pretty! Bit out of my driving radius at the moment, but hopefully one day I will be able to get some from a future batch!
They are spoiled- blackworms. I believe Brett has his eating flake. I also feed flake and mosquito larvae ( which they ignore), and frozen food (they do eat bloodworms if I run out of blackworms).
What are they eating?
Brett has good quality discus. I wish I had a bigger tank to get some of these.
Located in McGaheysville, VA (22840). It is near Harrisonburg, VA.
Where are you located?