Just started anew tank and need floating plants other than duckweed. Prefer in VA please. larrymacg@outlook.com
davidsombachphotoSep 08JAMES RIVER AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2024 FALL ALL-DAY AUCTIONLikeReactions00 comments0Views
cowherdfgSep 03DAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to the PVAS mtg on Sept 7, 2024 LikeReactions05 comments5Views
Larry, you can use the chat function to message people. It's new! See the gold box at the bottom right of your screen. It may not work on all phones depending on your web browser. It should work from all the major web browsers on a computer.
Always! I'm throwing a handful a week. I'll see if I can send some to the January meeting or you can always come by. Send me a private message.
I have done Salvinia minima. I'm in Reston.
No problem, let me know if you change your mind!
I have lots of amazon frogbit, but I’m in Maryland just outside of NE DC