I have microworms and vinegar eels (another kind of microworm) for sale and I can bring them to the meeting on Saturday The list is at https://www.pvas.com/forum/fish-mongers/daphnia-and-fish-fs-delivered-to-the-pvas-mtg-saturday-jan-7-2023-is-it-really-2023-already
Hi, I would like either...whichever is larger.Also 1 bag of Daphnia please. My pea puffers are out of black worms. Can't convince them to eat Any frozen worms ,brine shrimp or "any" type of frozen...I am open to suggestions also. Seems to be a shortage of live blackworms and blood worms. My suppliers say maybe end of April! . I am now in panic mode.
Centreville Aquarium doesn't have black worms?
I have microworms and vinegar eels (another kind of microworm) for sale and I can bring them to the meeting on Saturday The list is at https://www.pvas.com/forum/fish-mongers/daphnia-and-fish-fs-delivered-to-the-pvas-mtg-saturday-jan-7-2023-is-it-really-2023-already