Chico's Natural Pet Market will be moving. Don't worry, we are not going far. We will be in the same shopping center we are in now. Our current location will be closing around the end of May and the new one opening early June (hopefully). That being said - all of the fish need to be out of the store before the move. I am giving PVAS members first chance before offering clearance prices to the general public. All fish, inverts, plants will be 50% off. Some things I might be able to do even better depending on what it is and how many you take. First come, first served. Fish, etc. can only be sold when I am in the store. I am generally off Tuesday and Friday. The other days I am usually here afternoons and evenings. It is a good idea to call first, especially if you are coming far (703) 750-6675. If you have other types of pets there are a number of things on clearance, with more to be added. I will post more info as dates become known. John
Available (as of this writing):
Snails - Mystery, Gold Rabbit, Assasin
Spadetail Bettas (rare tail type)
Tetras - Glolite, serpae, neon, pygmy hatchet
Rainbows - Featherfin, Millenium (one lg. male), turquoise (1 pair)
Amano Shrimp
Corys - pygmaeus, paleatus, CW-097
Asst fancy guppies
Asst platies
Bristlenose plecos, regular and albino
Bumblebee gobies
African Butterfly
Glolite Danio
Skunk Botia
Firemouth cichlids
Rainbow Cichlids - have lots of these, free to good homes
plus a few other odds and ends I probably missed
Only 2 left
Any pygmy available?
do you have any amanos left and if so how many/how much... and are you coming to meeting tomorrow?????
Still have a fair amount of stuff left, plus lots of supplies on clearance.