Good Morning,
I am looking to thin out my Orange Eye Blue Tiger colony a little so will be selling some of them. Limited quantity probably around 30 to 40 juvi's available at $8 a piece. Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions about their care.
That is the temp I find they breed the best at for me but they can go as high as 75 or as low as 67 but those temps will affect breeding and life span. The warmer they are the faster they breed but they have a shorter lifespan the cooler they are the longer they will live but they will not breed as prolifically.
Thanks. Didn’t know they preferred cooler water.
Temp 70 degrees, TDS 130, GH 3, and KH is less then 1. They are on Samurai Soil with Moss and Chollo wood.
What are the water parameters you are keeping these shrimp?