Anyone near Springfield, VA. area has a starter culture of green water or knows a place locally that I can get some? I'm trying my hand on starting my greenwater a boost to a raise daphnia or at lease giving it a try and see if I can be successful. Thanks.
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Splashy Fish in Springfield has a tank of green water… I don’t think it’s intentional, but you can ask him for some water…
The classic way to make green water is to take a lettuce leaf and crush and then place it in a quart or more of water. Then place the jar or tank in direct sunlight in a window or outdoors for a week. The other classic way is to set a 10 gallon tank or larger with a couple of goldfish preferably outside and feed the fish as you normally would. You will have green water within a week or two.
Im in fairfax and my pond tub is pretty green . Let me know if you wanna stop by