Here's a link to a video we composed over about three months, recording a small Ram spawn, from pulling eggs to fry released to grow out in other community tanks:
Ben, where did you get the idea to dose with H2O2? I assume it's to prevent egg fungus. Many people use Methylene Blue of course, but this is the first time I'm hearing of hydrogen peroxide although it makes perfect sense.
That's brilliant! I've seen glass dividers put in tanks so cichlid pairs could see "competitor" in order to strengthen the pair bonding, but never leaving fry in the tank behind glass so the parents could see them. Great idea.
I think we let them lay five batches of eggs, and after they ate them all the fifth time, we decided to pull. We put in a flat stone -- the shape of a nice "skipping stone" -- and they took to it immediately, and spawned on it. We suspended a container in the tank (easiest is probably just using a specimen container) and lightly dosed H2O2 (1/2 ml) every 12 hrs with an air stone lightly blowing water until we noticed "wigglers."
GBR Eggs On Stone, Pulled and suspended in tank with air stone and light H2O2
Male Parent GBR attentively "guarding" young fry through see-though suspended container
I have not been successful raising them. There's nothing else in the tank that could eat the fry, so I'm hoping the parents will raise them. If they don't, maybe I'll move the eggs next time.
Congratulations! GBRs are great fun. Have you raised these before? We are just starting out, and look forward to learn how to find better success with raising fry. Most of the times, our pairs eat their eggs within 24-48 hours after guarding. We did manage to pull a batch, and keep seven fry alive long enough to add to other tanks.
Great video. What light fixture do you have over the Amazon tank? The colors on the fish really pop, and the plants seem to be doing very well.
Here's a link to a video we composed over about three months, recording a small Ram spawn, from pulling eggs to fry released to grow out in other community tanks:
Ben, where did you get the idea to dose with H2O2? I assume it's to prevent egg fungus. Many people use Methylene Blue of course, but this is the first time I'm hearing of hydrogen peroxide although it makes perfect sense.
That's brilliant! I've seen glass dividers put in tanks so cichlid pairs could see "competitor" in order to strengthen the pair bonding, but never leaving fry in the tank behind glass so the parents could see them. Great idea.
Hah! Funny to see the parents guarding through the glass.
I think we let them lay five batches of eggs, and after they ate them all the fifth time, we decided to pull. We put in a flat stone -- the shape of a nice "skipping stone" -- and they took to it immediately, and spawned on it. We suspended a container in the tank (easiest is probably just using a specimen container) and lightly dosed H2O2 (1/2 ml) every 12 hrs with an air stone lightly blowing water until we noticed "wigglers."
I have not been successful raising them. There's nothing else in the tank that could eat the fry, so I'm hoping the parents will raise them. If they don't, maybe I'll move the eggs next time.
Congratulations! GBRs are great fun. Have you raised these before? We are just starting out, and look forward to learn how to find better success with raising fry. Most of the times, our pairs eat their eggs within 24-48 hours after guarding. We did manage to pull a batch, and keep seven fry alive long enough to add to other tanks.
Look at her beautiful pink belly.