Hi, I’m Mustafa and I set up my first aquarium as a pandemic hobby to share with my young kids in May, 2020. I have a 29 gallon community tank with 1 dwarf gourami, 1 rainbow shark, 1 tiger barb, 2 panda cory catfish, a sorority of 5 female bettas, a school of 7 serpae tetras and 2 snails.
I also have a 3.5 gallon that I used to incarcerate a murderous blue gourami. I hoped the Buddha would help him find inner-peace, but it didn't work out. After he was rehomed, it became a hospital tank.
Like many, I started out with a single male betta, now deceased. RIP Mewtwo ☹
I recently added surface plants and am ecstatic with the results. Whereas previously most of the fish spent almost all their time in the bottom 3rd of the water column, now there is activity everywhere in the tank 😊
I love the depth and beauty of this hobby! I am currently interested in experimenting with a medium saltwater tank or adding a larger (55-75 gallon) freshwater tank.
Welcome to PVAS, Mustafa.
Welcome to the club.... It always starts with 1 tank then 2 and before you know it 30 tanks up and running...
Mustafa, thank you for sharing your lovely tanks. Welcome to this addictive hobby!
Hey Mustafa. I also got into aquariums this year. Are you going to be at the next meeting?