This month Dean Tweeddale of Dean's Fishroom will present "Dean's Fry System"
Anyone may join us for our virtual meeting on Saturday, February 6,2021 from 1 - 2:30 pm at:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 0860 2228
Passcode: 1960
About Dean

Dean Tweeddale is a master breeder who started keeping fish over 50 years ago. He started with guppies, moved on to discus, and has since bred countless species of freshwater fish. Always an innovator, Dean has, throughout his fishkeeping career, built three in-house fish rooms and developed an incredible fry system. Some of his proudest moments in the hobby are developing a system to raise discus artificially, breeding many rare dwarf cichlids, continuous spawning of German blue rams, and spawning several L-number plecos. He has collected and bred wild fish from Peru and has appeared on a number of YouTube channels including Aquarium Co-Op, Swishkey, L.R.Bretz’s Aquatics, Bentley Pasco, and Dustin's Fish Tanks.
Here are some inspirational pictures from Dean's fish breeding and Amazon collecting experiences.