Happy New Year Fellow Fish Keepers!
Tomorrow we will be kicking off the New Year with our very own Jacob Waters helping us with "Upping Your Shrimp Game". Same time, same place as always.

About Jacob
I have had a long history with aquarium keeping dating back to my childhood when my father had a 110gal tall tank with wild caught discus back in the early 90’s. Around 2005 I got into saltwater and dove head first into breeding rare clownfish types but in 2014 got out of the hobby when I met my wife. Fast forward to 2018 my oldest son who was 3 at the time wanted a Betta and of course my brother bought it for him and that started my descent back in to the aquarium hobby. We went to our first pvas club meeting that same year right after the CatCon and it was so much fun and I met Frank Cowherd and was able to get my first bag of cherry shrimp. I fell in love with these little creatures and quickly set up their very own 2.5 gallon tank and quickly went from 10 to 100 in a matter of a several months. So I had to get another tank and look for other types. I truly enjoy research and found my passion in the harder to keep Caridina shrimp species and have gone from 1 dedicated shrimp tank to over 60 and 24 different freshwater shrimp variants. I focus on the genetics of shrimp keeping and have met some of the best breeders in the world and have had the pleasure of talking at many clubs up and down the east coast. I also compete in shrimp contests all over the US and have judged a few contests as well.