Tomorrow we will be having our regularly scheduled virtual May meeting. Please join us at 1 pm via Zoom to hear all about our native, drop-dead gorgeous shiners.

May 1, 2021, 1 pm - 2:30 pm
Michael Lucas "Butteflies In the Water: Discovering Hydrophlox Shiners"

Description: Hydrophlox shiners destroy with a vengeance, the misconception that our native fishes don't compete with traditional aquarium fishes. From pure beauty, to interesting/unique behaviors to ease of maintaining, reproducing and rearing. The best part is you don't need thousands of dollars, yellow fever shots, malaria meds, import licenses or long flights to acquire some of these American jewels.
As promised...
Meeting ID: 826 0860 2228
Passcode: 1960
Zoom details to follow shortly.