Glen Echo Park Aquarium Saturday, October 12 at 11:00 am
To replace the October meeting/auction date we have arranged for a private tour of the Glen Echo Park Aquarium on Saturday, October 12 at 11:00 am. This is open to paid PVAS members only. PVAS will cover the cost of admission for all attending. Please sign up here so we know how many people will attend.

Gavin and I will attend
Please count me in. :-)
I hope this is not too late to sign up, there was a conflicting event that I am no longer able to go to.
I will be there!
Some further logistics
7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 20812
Glen Echo Park Aquarium is located in Glen Echo, Maryland in Glen Echo Park.
Guest Parking is located by the Clara Barton House on Oxford Road off of Macarthur Blvd.
To get the aquarium from the entrance of the park, walk across the bridge and go down the path until you see a light house to the left and the front gate of the aquarium.
Give yourself some extra time to navigate the local roads into the Park. If you arrive a little early, you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
We will gather at the Aquarium at 11 am. Manuel Moro, our Treasurer, will be there to greet everyone and pay admission for members. The aquarium is a small facility and easy to navigate. Aquarium Director Andrew Wilson and PVAS member Nick Kinser will be there to show us around and answer our questions about these fascinating native species. Hope to see everyone there.
My husband (Matt Hendrichs) and I would like to go.
I would like to attend as well…
I’m looking forward to it!
Count me in.
Is the plan for us to meet at the Aquarium at 11am? Thanks.
Please add Kyle and I to the list!
Please add me to the attendee list.
Mike, Bella and I would love to tour the aquarium. Please count us in!
Id like to come. I have wanted to see the oyster reef.