If there is a serious interests, i am planning to bring below fish for Feb 2022 Meeting:-
Blue Angel Fish - 4 Nos (Pre-Breeders) - 20 each or 60 for all.
Female Chocolate Smokey Angel fish (1) - 20 each (Breeder Size)
Geophagus Red Head Tapajos fish (1) - $25 Fish measures about 5 to 6 inches.. in good health condition.
Bulgarian Seal Point Angel fish (2) - 15 each (Pre-Breeder)
Blue eyed Lemon Plecos (12) - 10 each (2 to 3 Inches approx.).
One OPALINE GOURAMIS (6 to 7 inches) Adult only one $15.00
I have a 1 pair of Wild Tank Raised - Santa Isabel Breeding Pair - asking (100 dollars)

Plants : All big stems
Ludwigia Repens - Rubin Red - Orange & Green (2 Dollars 2 stems)
Ludwigia Repens - Red (3 Dollars 1 stem)
Anubias different varieties - $4 each tennis-sized clump.
Bacopa Caroliniana (Dollar per stem) (2 Dollars 2 stems)
If you can ping me and pre-order. i can bring your order to this week meeting. Cash App, CASH and Paypal fine..

Damn I was looking for someone to buy my BSP breeders haha
Sure, How many do you need?
Interested in some anubias!
Your Welcome!
Nice, thank you
Here you go!
Could you post a picture of your Santa Isabel breeding pair?
Thank you,