This is a reminder to all of the club members who breed fish or shrimp and have babies or adults to sell that the Spring All Day auction is quickly approaching. Now is the time to start posting your fish and shrimp in my group auctions ( if you have any difficulty or concerns with how to properly post your live stock or bagging them please see (
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Ok everyone we made it to Friday now is the time to start going through your tanks and equipment and start adding stuff to mygroupauctions for the Sunday all day auction. I am sure that many of you like me are sitting on a few boxes of unused equipment that is just sitting around collecting dust or your tanks are over run with live stock. If it is in good working order you should think about adding it to the tag sale and get some money for it and to help your fellow fish keepers in the process.... Also for all you planted tank owners now is the time to trim the plants and auction off the excess and you can use the funds from the auction to invest in some new and beautiful plants for your scapes.... This is the first all day auction since the pandemic started so lets make it one to remember with lots of great live stock. I have put many different groups of shrimp and rare mosses in the auction.
Alright the event is close at hand, less then a week away. Time to really buckle down and get those fish, shrimp, and plants entered into mygroupauctions so that way potential buyers are more inclined to come to the event if they see a good variety listed.