Super Red and Longfin Albino Ancistrus for sale, delivery to July PVAS meeting. $5 each. 1" to 1.5 inch size.
davidsombachphoto1dJAMES RIVER AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2024 FALL ALL-DAY AUCTIONLikeReactions00 comments0Views
cowherdfg7dDAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to the PVAS mtg on Sept 7, 2024 LikeReactions05 comments5Views
david5dPoret Foam/Mattenfilters, Jetlifters, and Cubelifters (Sept 7th)LikeReactions02 comments2Views
Have lots of super reds at 1".
do you have any more super reds?
The Super Reds are gone. We have the longfin albinos still, right around 1.5". They should be 2"+ by the Fall Auction...
hi Andrew, do you have any bigger ones? those little ones will get eaten by my festivum :(
Here's a picture from a prior spawn, same parents. They have great color.
do you still have them?
Can I see a photo of the superred