It was so great to see & catch up w/ everyone that made it to the Tailgate event today!!! 😊 Now, if only we can start having regular meetings, big auctions, & cons again.....preferably w/out the masks. 😷😏
davidsombachphoto1dJAMES RIVER AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2024 FALL ALL-DAY AUCTIONLikeReactions00 comments0Views
cowherdfg7dDAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to the PVAS mtg on Sept 7, 2024 LikeReactions05 comments5Views
david5dPoret Foam/Mattenfilters, Jetlifters, and Cubelifters (Sept 7th)LikeReactions02 comments2Views
A Big thanks to PVAS for organizing
A big thank you to the organizers! It was fun seeing folks, even briefly. I was hoping to come back without kids but it was not to be.