Group Buys will be listed on the PVAS website under 2019 Program. We have a number planned for this year, some in partnership with our sister clubs GWAPA and CCA for very heavy aquascaping-related items to help reduce shipping costs.
February - Buce Plant ( and Planted Aquarium Fertilizer ( Both of these companies were generous sponsors of the 2018 All-Aquarium Catfish Convention and are small, hobbyist-owned companies deserving of our support.

March - Drs. Foster & Smith Frozen Food
plus Aquascaping Rocks (same source and type as those pictured here in the Chicago plant club's 3rd place tank from the Aquatic Experience. This Group Buy is being led by Jen Williams on behalf of GWAPA, CCA, and PVAS. The club will not be able to absorb shipping costs for the rocks. We will build the shipping into the cost per pound. If the joint order is between 300-1000 lbs, the cost will be $2.18/lb shipping included. If the joint order is over 1000 lbs, the cost comes down to $1.52/lb. By way of gaging how much rock you might want to order, the 36" tank pictured used about 100 lbs of rock.
May - Swiss Tropicals. Owner Stephan Tanner is a great supporter of the club and offers high quality products.
August - Select Aquatics ( Pre-Order from speaker, Greg Sage. Get your Green Dragon plecos and ultra red Odessa Barbs here!
November - Tannin Aquatics (owner and speaker Scott Fellman is a great supporter of clubs)
We will also try to fit in a Group Buy from Pentair Aquatic Ecosystems which carries ProForm-C, Tricaine S (anesthesia and for humane euthanasia), Potassium Permanganate, and more.
Our Group Buy Coordinator, Raychel Upright, will post ordering details and deadlines in this Forum section.
Hi Jae, Given the heat wave we've been having and logistics concerns, we won't be organizing a group pre-order. Please go ahead and order fish directly from Select Aquatics. Cheers, Patchin
What is the deadline to order from Select Aquatics?