See everyone at tomorrow's meeting where we will enjoy a feature presentation by Jennifer Williams on building backyard biotopes.

About Jen
I got my first tank when I was seven and went through the appropriate array of guppies, barbs, and tetras through to my first encounter with keeping cichlids when I was in high school. Years later, in response to a craigslist ad I posted stating “Firemouth Cichlids, bring a net and a bucket”, I was introduced to something I wasn’t expecting… a formidable former Army Lieutenant in my living room filling his bucket with fish, and telling me all about local fish clubs and planted tanks. Armed with a healthy dose of curiosity at what kind of characters would be at a fish club meeting, I attended my first GWAPA gathering and was completely hooked. Serving on the Board in several positions (including President) I have also enjoyed participating in events with the other local clubs and the true friendships I have made in this hobby. I currently also sit on the board for the Aquatic Gardener's Association (AGA). To date, I have a stack of ribbons from aquascaping contests, including most recently a repeat win at the 2015 Aquatic Experience/AGA Aquascaping Live! Invitational Competition in Chicago, IL for my 75 gallon entry collaboration with Rachel O'Leary and her daughters. I am also an avid fan of Blue-eyed Rainbowfish (specifically Pseudomugil) and enjoy keeping and breeding them with the rest of my eclectic assortment of fish. To pay the electric and water bills that accompany all of the assorted gallons of aquatic madness, I work as a Graphic Designer…and also enjoy fast cars as a former professional drag racer and purring cats as a long-time volunteer/rescuer with the 4Paws Rescue Team.