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Furthering the hobby by the dissemination of information and advice

Corydoras Atropersonatus: The “Fairy Corydoras”
By Don Kinyon Corydoras atropersonatus has been around the hobby for a long time, but never seemed to be common in pet stores or even in...

Corydoras CW114: A Color Variety of C. sipaliwini
By Don Kinyon An attractive Corydoras from the rivers of Suriname and Guyana, CW114 has been proven to be a color variety of Corydoras...
Corydoras in Paradise
by Gene Moy I’ve been fortunate to have a job that sends me to different parts of the country and the world. Over the years, I have...
The Colors of Corydoras
by Don Kinyon There are a few "new" imports of Corydoras catfish coming in from South America lately that some Cory cat nuts, such as...
Corydoras CW124
Collecting, keeping and breeding an undescribed catfish species from Peru By Don Kinyon (habitat and collecting photos by David Snell) If...
Corydoras eversi
By Don Kinyon There is a soft drink that is popular in Brazil that is made from and named after the Guarana plant, which gives the drink...
Corydoras napoensis sp. "San Juan"
By Don Kinyon Corydoras identification has never been my strong suit. This is the cause of much confusion on my part, and on the part of...
Corydoras teniente
By Don Kinyon Every once in a while a fish is brought into the hobby that makes even veteran fishkeepers take notice. In 2004, Lance Peck...
Corydoras knaacki
By Don Kinyon It seems that almost every day there are new additions to the group of Callichthyidae catfish we keep in our home...
[Scleromystax sp. C112] Corydoras sp. "Baianinho II"
by Don Kinyon This species has not yet been officially described, though I’m told they’re working on it. It is native to Brazil, but the...
Corydoras barbatus
by Francine Bethea I keep five Corydoras barbatus, a pair of Ancistrus c.f. dilopterus and five Apistogramma ‘Rio Mamore’ in a 33 long....
Corydoras [Scleromystax] barbatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) A Very Cool Cat Indeed
by Don Kinyon Here is a Cory that has been in the hobby for a good long time, yet never seems commonplace, or for that matter, in the...
Where There’s a Whiptail, There’s a Way: Spawning Rineloricaria eigenman
by JT Thomas Image © JT Thomas 2009 I saw my first whiptail cat in a fairly crappy pet store about a year or a year and a half ago....
Corydoras sterbai
by Don Kinyon One of the most colorful and popular of the Corydoras species is the sterbai, first described by Knaack in 1962. It comes...
Corydoras similis
by Gene Moy Some time ago I received a breeding group of seven Corydoras similis from a fellow hobbyist. C. similis can be confused with...
Corydoras napoensis
by Don Kinyon Sometimes, through meticulous care and careful attention to the fishes’ diet, you can get a new or favorite fish to spawn...
Corydoras gossei
by Don Kinyon Corydoras gossei is relatively new to science and the hobby, being officially described by Nijssen in 1972. It originates...
Corydoras elegans
by Gene Moy Corydoras elegans used to be more readily available, but with the interest in new species, this former standby has become...
Corydoras duplicareus
by Don Kinyon In the tributaries of the upper Rio Negro in Brazil, there are a few small catfish with strikingly similar color patterns....
Plain White "T": Spawning Corydoras aeneus "Albino"
by JT Thomas Everyone who has seen the inside of a fish store has seen 3/4" long white corys tooling around the bottom of a sales tank,...
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