Symphysodon discusby David Snell Several years back, I acquired a number of young Discus. I was able to raise them up until I had a group of 4 nice blue...
Marble Angel, Pterophyllum scalareby Don Kinyon One of the most recognizable fish in the aquarium hobby must be the ever popular angel. I am not nearly as experienced in...
[Lamprologus] Neolamprologus ocellatusBy Jeffrey Burke Neolamprologus ocellatus is a personable little shelldwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. These feisty little cichlids...
Neolamprologus brichardiby Don Kinyon Neolamprologus brichardi has been in the hobby for quite some time, since the late 1950s, in fact. It was described by Poll...
Neolamprologus cylindricusby Jeffrey Burke, PVAS The first time that I saw Neolamprologus cylindricus was in a pet shop in Baltimore. I was fascinated by its...
Festivums for the Rest of 'Ums (Mesonauta insignis)Being an account of a successful spawning of Mesonauta insignis by JT Thomas Introduction If you had to pick the most underrated commonly...
Julidochromis marlieriby Gene Moy Members of the genus Julidochromis are torpedo-shaped small cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. Julidochromis marlieri has been...
Heros Severus, Gold Severumby Gene Moy I’ve always been fond of Severums, especially the gold variety. Some of the ones I currently keep have been in my tanks for...