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Forum Posts
Oct 31, 2024
In News & Events
Hi all. We'll be taking the speaker, Randy Carey, out to eat after his talk this Saturday. I really could use suggestions for places convenient to the meeting place. Randy avoids red meat, so a recommendation that serves chicken and fish dishes would be great.
We used to take speakers to Coyote Latin Grille, but that has apparently closed and been replaced by Fauna Latin Flavor. Has anyone been there?
Jun 11, 2024
In News & Events
Let me know if you would be interested in serving as a judge for the upcoming bowl show or would be interested in being a trainee and accompanying the judges as they consider the merits of this years entries to learn the fundamentals of judging (without being judgmental).
May 25, 2024
In News & Events
Bio: Rebecca Goldring is social scientist and lifelong aquarium hobbyist. Fascinated with fish at an early age, but often discouraged and misunderstood, she eventually settled into being the weird kid. This aquatic obsession led to early employment opportunities at The Aquarium Center and Roraima Tropicals, outside of Baltimore, Maryland, as well as some freelance work writing for Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. Early years spent watching fish and animal behavior fed into a career in behavioral and social sciences, where she applies her observational and investigational skills to larger societal issues. To this day, her favorite pastimes include keeping fish, looking at fish, fishing for fish, reading about fish, and writing about fish. She also thoroughly enjoys telling people where they can take their opinions about how much more time she'd have to clean if she didn't have so many fish.
Rebecca currently maintains about 30 aquariums ranging in size from 5 to 300 gallons and keeps a variety of freshwater fish, aquatic plants, and invertebrates, as well as a few outdoor ponds. She’s bred a wide variety of fish, including South American Bumblebee Cats, Checkerboard Cichlids, Freshwater Pipefish, and many species of tetra. Current “fish goals” (STILL) include spawning some very uncooperative Gnathochromis permaxillaris, Corydoras pantanalensis, and Tetraodon schoutedeni. You can find her on Instagram at girlsgotfisshues.
The talk is titled Dabbling in Dicrossus and covers topics on general care, sexing, spawning, and rearing both Dicrossus maculatus and Dicrossus filamentosus. It includes detailed experiential information with both species and will have some new material on best practices for artificial rearing.
Dec 01, 2023
In News & Events
12:30 pm Set-up
1:00 pm Socializing
1:15 pm Announcements
1:45 pm Presentation: Kevin Wilson, “Chesapeake Bay Oyster Reef Biotope Aquarium–Dream Tank Realized.”
2:45 pm Mini-auction
4:00 pm Take-down
Speaker Bio:
Kevin began fishkeeping at the age of 13. After Graduating High School, he worked his first job at the Barrier Reef Aquarium in Rockville, where he was introduced to the saltwater side of the hobby. It was then after purchasing his first blenny that he fell in love with the blennies, a genus of coastal fishes with interesting behaviors. While in college, he caught his first local blenny and became fascinated with a grad student’s experiment on striped blennies. This fascination led to his current dream, to keep local blennies in a setting close to their natural environment and resulted in his efforts to build a simulated oyster reef in a home aquarium. He’s also kept local native freshwater fish species in home aquariums for 43 years and is a member of the North American Native Fishes Association (NANFA).
Nov 26, 2023
In News & Events
12:30 pm Set-up
1:00 pm Lay out buffet
1:15 pm Announcements
1:30 pm Potluck dinner
2:45 pm Mini-auction
4:00 pm Take-down
Hope to see you there. See also the potluck sign up post.
Nov 26, 2023
In News & Events
Michael Barber is bringing a turkey AND a ham. What are you bringing?
Please sign up here.
Oct 22, 2023
In Fish Mongers
Posting for Eric Bodrock:
Below is a pre-sale list of fish I can deliver to the PVAS meeting on Saturday November 4th, 2023. Fish must be paid for in advance via PayPal, questions, please ask
I have stopped shipping livestock due to the all the hassles in dealing with the carriers and their inefficiencies in their ability to deliver on time and to the correct address.
The only way anyone will be able to receive any livestock from us is to either catch up with me at an event like this or by stopping by to pick up in person at our place.
Limia yaguajali “Rio Cana Dominican Republic” .75-1” unsexed $14
Aphanius marassantensis “TUBCD 05/19” bloodline/Manuel Zapater .75-1” unsexed $14
Aphanius sirhani “Azraq Oasis, Jordan”, bloodline/Russell Feilzer .5-.75” unsexed $10
Corydoras acutus, 1.25” or better, F2/F3, unsexed, $14
Corydoras hephaestus, F1, 1”, unsexed, $145 each (limited)
Corydoras knaacki / CW032, F1, 1” or better, $10
Corydoras sp. CW069, 1.25”, $28
Corydoras parallelus, 1-1.25”, $100 6/$500
Ancistrus sp. Araza Blue Flash”, 1.25” $25, limited,
Panaqolus claustellifer L306, 1.25”or better $70, limited,
Pseudacanthicus sp. L097, “Polka Dot Cactus Pleco”, F1, 12-14” males (5) $175 each
Aphyocypris thacbaensis, 1”, $8ea 10/$65 (formerly Tanichthys thacbaensis)
Chilatherina bleheri, 1.75” Gary Lange bloodline, unsexed, $14
Melanotaenia picta (aka M. Aru II), Johannes Graf line, 1.5”, unsexed, $14
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