Hello all,
We will doing a joint group buy to purchase rock in bulk with GWAPA. This will be for black and grey seiryu stone. This is a good opportunity to pick up some hardscape for the Aquarium Beatiful Contest at the Big Fish Deal!
We will need an estimated weight before we can get a final quote however the approximate prices would be $1.50 per pound for the grey stone and $2.15 for the black stone.
The deadline for this group buy will be Thursday 1/17/18. You may place orders in this post or contact me directly at redupright@gmail.com. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
**Edit: CCA is also participating in this group buy. Prices include shipping costs.
If you are interested in purchasing spiderwood at cost (The vendor offers spiderwood in bulk for $450 plus shipping for a box measuring 25" x 36" x 27", containing 70-90 pounds of wood per box.) Please let me know so we can consider placing an order for wood as well.
Hello All,
I do not believe I have collected payment from everyone who placed a rock order. I should be able to make arrangements for members who were not able to attend the meeting to pay through the PVAS PayPal account but there would be a processing fee for this method of payment. I will also be at the JRAS Spring Fling and the Spring All Day Auction. If you have not paid for your rock order could you please contact me as soon as possible so we may make arrangements?
Let me tell you - that was a LOT of awesome wood
Check out the Spiderwood! Yesterday, Susan Peterson and I unpacked, sorted, weighed, and priced the BIG box.
We selected and set aside 8 gorgeous pieces to be raffled at the next 4 All-Day Auctions (2 per auction).
Don't miss the March meeting where all the best pieces are sure to go fast. Price per piece ranges from $1.00 to $12.00.
Hello All,
The stone has arrived! I have listed below the finalized prices per pound for the black and grey stone in this group order.
Gray Stone: $1.24/lb.
Black Stone: $2.09/lb.
I will reply individually to members who ordered stone with the totals for their orders. The rock will be available for pickup at the March meeting. Please contact me if you need to pick up your order sooner so that we can arrange for a pickup time.
FYI, there is sufficient interest in the spiderwood, so we will be purchasing a crate and making pieces available at cost to members.
50lbs grey and 50lbs black stone.
Thank you,
I would like 50lbs grey.
Thank you.
Sent an email, but allow me to amend: 50 lbs each Grey and black, and I'd be interested in 50 to 75 bucks worth of spiderwood (as much as 100 if that's what it takes to place the order).
Would like. A 50# grey rock box and we are interested in some spider wood too.
All paid up PVAS members are welcome to participate in our Group Buys. If you're not a PVAS member and would like to participate, please do consider joining PVAS! Check out our 2019 Program. If you're a member of GWAPA or CCA, please see their forums about this Group Buy because each club is handling it a bit differently. Cheers!
I am interested in Spiderwood as well.
50 pounds both gray and black
I would be interested in a few pieces of spider wood if the club decides to order it.
I would like 100 lbs grey
100 lbs black
and i am interested in several pieces of the spider wood, but not sure how it is going to be priced....
Please note that rock is available in 50 lb and 100 lb plastic crates, so please order in increments of 50 lbs.
In addition to stone, spiderwood is available in bulk for $450 plus shipping for a box measuring 25" X 36" X 37" and weighing 70-90 lbs.
If there's enough interest in the Spiderwood, the club could consider buying a box and selling individual pieces or groups of pieces at cost. If this is something that interests you, please let Raychel know right away in this Forum thread so we can get organized.
The stone and wood will arrive in time for the Big Fish Deal if anyone would like to pick it up for their aquascaping entries in The Aquarium Beautiful Contest. Otherwise, we will bring the items to the March meeting for pickup.